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The Physical and Mental Consequences Of Abortion

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that happens to people following an extremely stressful or traumatic event. The symptoms include constant worry, flashbacks, and a general decrease in emotional wellbeing. Usually, medication is needed because this disorder turns from a psychological condition to one that affects daily functions. PTSD could arise in women whose abortions do not go as planned and are extremely more painful and traumatic than expected.

Abortion is forced or chosen under pressure.

Abortion traumatic

Research suggests women commonly feel pressured into abortion, either by other people or by circumstances. This is a known risk for later emotional trauma. It sometimes happens that an abortion is genuinely forced. It could be forced by a patient’s parent, her partner, or a doctor who ignores her request to stop the abortion. A woman or girl has a right to refuse an abortion no matter her age or any other circumstance. In less serious cases, therapists say women simply felt “no choice” but to abort a pregnancy they might have kept in better times. This can also be a red flag for problems later.

When a woman develops anxiety, she never feels safe, not even in her own home. Feelings of stress and living “on the edge” never leave her, no matter how hard she tries to relax. This is worse if a woman has kids. A mother is always worrying about what could go wrong with her children. A woman with anxiety always thinks something is wrong and is more inclined to believe in worse-case scenarios. This makes life unbearable for her and she could get sick from stress. She could develop all kinds of diseases associated with stress, such as diabetes and hypertension.

Abortion Anxiety

Depression is a mood disorder. Usually, depression follows something that drastically changes a person, like loss or illness. What happens during depression is simply put, lack of interest in life. It is manifested as lack of interest in food, entertainment, and anything else a person used to enjoy before the event happened. Of course, it interrupts a person’s regular lifestyle.

After an abortion, feelings of guilt, regret, and shame may lead to depression. Like isolation, depression may result from people or may be due to the woman herself feeling bad about what happened. Grief alone does not necessarily contribute to long-term depression, but the line is blurred between them. It is possible to develop depression fast enough that they are mere grief feelings that should subside on their own, when there is actually a much bigger problem hidden underneath.

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