A Crossword a Day Keeps Dementia at Bay

Can a crossword a day keep dementia at bay? That’s a question that scientists have been battling with for a while. There are a lot of studies that support this hypothesis and a bunch that deny it…


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Provost Cafe

Bliksem! I caught coffee with a vixen

Blue iris striking

Sun-stream highlighting

Fox nose freckle features

Her laughter those

Iridescent creatures

Exposing transparent wings and flying

Just as you’re trying

To get a closer look

Our conversations took

My mind through strenuous yoga stretches

Stolen moments between lectures

Her glass of rooibos tea with honey

Half full even when empty

As a reverse birthday gift she

Covered my black coffee

Probably a must as i was living off my trust fund

Of busking poetry

This girl, seemingly feeling galaxies

Inherent in the breeze

Her boots with ankle zips

Mine without laces

Reflections of field trips

Barefoot in sandy places

What can one gift a girl already carrying

Traces of the sky

Around the dark spaces of her eyes?

Not much.

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